1. What is happening with our original Binance chain token?

After a thorough audit of our smart contract by our new developer it has been determined that our original smart contract has issues. Because of that we are developing our new protocol for this project which will be used to track and reward clean energy mining. 

  1. How are we receiving the new token?

We have done our first round of airdrops to everyone who is active and whitelisted their wallets. We will be doing more airdrops soon and then focus on creating liquidity for our token.

  1. What happened to daily updates and activity?

We are developing our governance process for creating an autonomous community as we continue to answer community questions and provide updates through our site.

  1. What is our new protocol?

Our new protocol is a series of smart contracts that is used to track and reward clean energy mining. Instead of acquiring land we will be partnering with clean energy miners to reward their impact on our carbon footprint from mining. We plan to allow holders of solarmoon to rent hashrate and eventually purchase clean energy in select areas.

  1. What is the community's role in our new protocol?

 Our community will be focused on governance towards the goal of partnering with clean energy miners around the world and developing out software that supports the clean energy mining community. 

  1. Should I sell our original token?

We cannot give financial advice as to whether or not to buy or sell our token. We do plan to airdrop more token to holders of the original Solar Moon token.